Read Sinus Pressure, Drainage and Bad Breath - What to Do About It far more

There is something that can very negatively affect your success in life, but very few people will ever mention it to you. You guessed it: It's halitosis - bad breath. The "fresh breath industry" sells many millions of dollars in products that supposedly take care of this problem. While most of the formulas being manufactured and purveyed can leave their users with a fresh breath for a few minutes, the truth is that a person needs more than just that short a time to care for his mouth odor. To do that a person needs to go to the source of the problem and deal with it at that level. Does this make sense?

Bad breath is caused mainly by: what we eat and drink, by a dry mouth--not enough saliva is produced to wash down odor producing bacteria,--poor hygiene and by sinus drainage. This latter cause is, many believe, the main cause of a majority of the halitosis problems. The first thing we ought to understand is that sinus drainage is normal--if it produces between one and two pints of mucus a day. This physiological function is very important to maintain our respiratory system working properly. The problem is with excessive production, especially one caused by infection of the sinus cavities. An infection of this kind leads to the proliferation of obnoxious, odor producing bacteria. On the other hand, sometimes there is no infection involved and yet some of the bacteria accompanying the mucus is of the kind that produces halitosis. There are two main things you can do to alleviate the excessive production of mucus and to avoid infection:

Cut down on mucus producing foods. Frankly, significant amounts of some foods are bad for you from several health perspectives, besides halitosis. Some of these foods are notoriously known for giving bad breath. They food items tend to cause excessive sinus drainage in many people and if you are one of them you may want to reconsider using freely these things
Keep your sinuses clear at all times. This will avoid mucus stagnation and potential sinus infections
Drink lots of pure, plain, room temperature water. If you tolerate warm water it is excellent to wash excess stomach acids, etc, and help your health in general--with positive effects on your breath
Allergies to the environment are a very common cause of excessive sinus drainage which often results in bad breath. If this is your case you do well to consider checking with your physician for a long-term solution
To keep your sinuses clear you can do the following acupressure point: With the tip of your index fingers, pointing backwards, press firmly on the spots right next to your nostrils, for 3 minutes. You will feel your sinuses draining in minutes
Chewing on fresh parsley sprigs often freshens the breath naturally and effectively.

Were you to try the above items faithfully you would very probably experience a fresher breath, naturally.

Paul Sanchez is a retired ordained minister who owns and operates: and

There he provides information, help and support for those interested in finding out how he became free from his sinus miseries two years ago.

Sinus Pressure, Drainage and Bad Breath - What to Do About It

Bad Breath

Read Plaque Attack Will Help Remove a Dog's Plaque more

We all have experienced the disgusting smell of a dog's breath, something that can be completely unbearable at times. It's even worse if they ate something that was dead. However, many times it's because a dog's plaque had built up on the teeth. This will cause bad breath and possibly even gum disease.

This is why more dog owners are turning to Plaque Attack, which is a triple care dental spray, to remove build up of heavy plaque, bacteria, and tartar found on a dog's teeth and in their mouth.

Dogs need their mouth taken care of similar to humans, because if the teeth isn't kept clean, it can lead to bad breath or gum disease. There are different options to have a dog's mouth cleaned, as you can have a professional cleaning done, but it can be quite expensive. This isn't always affordable, as it should be done quite regularly. The other option to get rid of the build up of a dog's plaque is to use a natural formula called Plaque Attack. When used regularly at night, it will help get rid of the plaque and bacteria found in the mouth, and there's no worry of harmful side effects.

The reason why many people are using Plaque Attack is because it's affordable, and it's a natural formula designed to remove the harmful items floating around in a dog's mouth. It's suggested that you use it at night, so there's more time for the treatment to work. You will want to spray or apply the gel directly on the dog's plaque, usually the largest area so break down will happen more quickly. Shortly after, the dog will start licking its lips. This is a good thing because the licking helps mix the treatment with the saliva of the dog.

Cat Bad Breath

Bobby Miller is a writer and researcher on products for households such as a dental spray for dogs plaque []. You can save time and money by getting a FREE in depth review of this product and many others including discounts and best prices at Bobby's blog: []

Plaque Attack Will Help Remove a Dog's Plaque

Examine Why Does My Dog's Breath Stink? far more

Why Does My Dog's Breath Stink?

Cat Bad Breath

A healthy dog's breath should not have an offense odor. The reality is, approximately 80% of dogs do suffer from gingivitis or a periodontal disease by the time they are five years old. Now and then a simple dental procedure such as a professional cleaning or perhaps a bad tooth extracted can save your pet from a lot of suffering. It should be noted, the older a dog gets, the more likely their breath will reflect their general health.

The most common causes of bad breath in dogs are countless. Let's start with what they eat. Some canned dog foods, dry food high in fish oils, food too hard to digest, raw food diets, sneaking a snack or two from the cat's food bowl, not to mention the litter box, can have a serious effect on your dog's breath!

In some cases, it may not necessarily be their breath. Bearded dogs, and dogs that lick their butts or anal glands, often smell rather ripe. Keep a washcloth handy!

Other causes may be food or hair stuck between their teeth.

It could be something stuck in their nose. Veterinarians have pulled interesting objects out. They range from plants/weeds such as foxtails, to string, dry food, even toys, out of the noses of smelly dogs. In defense of the dog, on occasion they have found a young human co-conspirator assisted in the venture.

On a slightly more severe level, your dog could be suffering from a broken tooth, tooth decay, gum disease, a sinus infection, a respiratory infection or possibly an abscess in their mouth or throat.

The most critical source of halitosis in dogs can be caused by kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, lung disease, and oral or throat tumors.

The best thing to do is to desensitize your dog, while they are still a puppy, to having their mouth examined and their teeth brushed. Do not use human toothpaste. There are toothpastes made specifically for dogs. You can use a regular toothbrush, washcloth or a finger brush made for brushing your dog's teeth.

Check with your veterinarian about having your dog's mouth examined and their teeth professionally cleaned at least once a year.

Here are few home remedies dogs owners claim help to keep their dog's breath tolerable in between vet visits. They include adding parsley to their diet, hard biscuits, dry food, a tablespoon of plain yogurt (no flavors or sugar/sugar substitutes) added to their food, baby carrots or carrots cut up into bite size pieces, raw bones, nylabones, and charcoal biscuits or tablets.

Bottom line: Don't wait too long. If the problem persists, have your dog examined by your veterinarian.

Karen A. Soukiasian, GOOD DOG! - DOG TRAINING and BED-n-BISCUITS dog boarding and training - Owner/Trainer, St. Augustine, Florida - AKC CANINE GOOD CITIZEN and S.T.A.R. PUPPY Evaluator

Go through Bad Breath, Foods, Vitamins and Supplements much more

There are certain types of foods that you consume that can be a culprit to bad breath. Food that is high in fat, meats, foods loaded with sugar, specialty spices and dairy products. Foods that contain acid produce bacteria in your mouth.

When you eat foods with a lot of fat and protein, they may not digest in your system properly. People that have difficulty digesting meat and dairy products can end up with bad breath.
Here are some suggestions regarding foods when it comes to bad breath:

o Make sure to include fruits and vegetables that are rich with antioxidants. This would include leafy greens, berries, broccoli and cabbage. These foods help to keep you healthy and to keep bad breath from occurring.

o You can also eat yogurt that is sugar-free and has a live culture. This helps to keep away bacteria that are responsible for causing halitosis.

o Foods that are loaded with sugar pose a problem because the sugar affects the back of the throat.

o In addition to onions and garlic, spices such as curry can cause people to have bad breath. As you digest them, some of the elements flow through your bloodstream and to the lungs. The odor can be emitted for about 24 hours.

o Coffee and some teas can also be culprits of bad breath. Both have plenty of acid in them. Try not to drink so much of these beverages.

Drinking black tea has elements that keep bacteria away. Other teas that can help to prevent bad breath are green tea and peppermint tea. Tea can also get rid of bad breath that is caused by mucus. You only have to drink one cup per day for the odor to gradually dissipate.

Vitamins and Supplements

o If you're not consuming enough zinc, then you could possibly have bad breath. If you are deficient, you need to take no less than 60 mg a day. Be careful about taking too much of this as zinc can interfere with copper.

o The lack of Vitamin B can also be a cause of bad breath. You may want to take some niacinimide, a B complex tablet and Vitamin B6 one time a day.

o If you consume no more than 6,000 mg of Vitamin C, you will remove the mucus and toxins that have built up in your body. The mucus and toxins that are stored up in your body can be a cause of bad breath.

Digestive System
Your digestive system can also be a cause of bad breath. You will need to improve it by watching what you eat. What you eat is crucial because it will determine whether or not it will help to eliminate bad breath. Here are some things that you can do to keep your digestive system in tact:

o Have a high-fiber diet that includes whole grains, along with fresh fruits and vegetables. These foods usually digest better than those that are not high in fiber.
o If you don't have enough enzymes to digest properly, you need to take no more than four tablets of enzymes for each major meal.
o You may not have enough hydrochloric acid. To get more in your system, you can use apple cider vinegar. Take one tablespoon before you eat a major meal. You can also use betaine or pepsin tablets before you eat in order to help your digestive system to work.
o You can also get bad breath from lack of regular bowel movements (constipation). You need to drink at least eight glasses of water (eight ounces) every day.

This article is for information purposes only and does not intend to provide advice in regards to any health condition, including bad breath. If you have or think you might have a health problem, contact your doctor or dentist immediately for advice, diagnosis and treatment. The USFDA has not evaluated statements about any products, vitamins or supplements mentioned in this article.

Bad Breath

Scott Wells writes for where you can learn more about therabreath coupons just in time for the holiday season.

Bad Breath, Foods, Vitamins and Supplements

Bad Breath

Go through Bad Breath and Smoking much more

Bad Breath and Smoking

Bad Breath

For most of us, there's a clear correlation between bad breath and smoking: if you smoke, you will have an offensive tobacco odor on your breath that all non-smokers will detect if they are close enough. Of course, a tobacco odor also tends to linger on the clothes and hair of a smoker, so tobacco on the breath is probably not a very large issue. Surprisingly, however, there are more pieces of the puzzle that tie bad breath to smoking in other ways.

Smoking apparently inhibits saliva production. This is a problem because saliva plays an important role in inhibiting the multiplication of anaerobic bacteria, which live at the back of the tongue, and sometimes in spaces between teeth and gums, and between the teeth. These anaerobic bacteria (bacteria which live where there is no oxygen) produce volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) when they digest proteins for nutrients. So bad breath and smoking go hand in hand because smoking decreases saliva and a decrease in saliva results in an increase in VSC producing anaerobes in the mouth.

Smoking also increases the risk of gum disease and tooth decay. Smokers apparently have more cavities that non-smokers. They also have gums that tend to detach from the teeth and recede, leaving exposed roots and spaces between gums and teeth where those VSC producing bacteria can flourish. The roots of the teeth, which are supposed to be protected by healthy gums, are not covered with enamel, so they are more subject to tooth decay. In this scenario, bad breath and smoking result from an unhealthy mouth full of tooth decay, periodontal disease, and proliferating VSC producing bacteria.

It's not just bad breath and smoking that you need to worry about: other tobacco products carry similar risks. Pipe smoking and cigar smoking cause all the same problems as cigarette smoking, and chewing tobacco has all these and more. Smokeless tobacco frequently has sugar added to it, and may contain particles of grit, both of which have implications for oral health. The association between sugar and dental cavities is well known, and chewing on sand will put wear and tear on tooth enamel, also contributing to tooth decay.

So it's not just the odor of cigarette smoke on the breath and that brownish yellow stain on the teeth that you need to think about when you get close to someone else. The best solution is, of course, to quit smoking, but if you can't do that, use a good breath product that will help control the VSC producing bacteria that link bad breath and smoking. That will help a bit.

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Bad Breath and Smoking, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.

Go through Bad Breath - The Kiss of Death additional

While talking to someone you are trying to impress, you have no idea there is a foul odor others can smell from your breath. No one has ever told you this, and therefore, as far as you're concerned, you don't have bad breath. To say the least, bad breath, (halitosis) can be very embarrassing and sometimes even offensive.

First you need to find out if you have bad breath. The sure way is to ask someone you love or trust to tell you. The other tests such as breathing into your hand and smelling it, just will not work.

There are indeed many causes for bad breath, but the majority is caused by local factors in the mouth. The malodor is composed of volatile sulphur compounds (VSCs) released from microbial metabolism. The VSCs in the mouth are much higher if you have gum disease.

What else causes bad breath?

Not brushing and flossing often enough or properly are obvious causes for bad breath. You may be surprised to know tongue jewelry can also cause bad breath by harboring bacteria.

Not cleaning dentures properly can be another problem. Food can stay under the denture causing the foul odor. Cavities, abscessed tooth, old fillings that need to be replaced should be added to the list as well.

Dry mouth from any cause including medications such as anti-histamines, anti-anxiety drugs, anti-depressants, decongestants, pain medication, diuretics for high blood pressure and many other drugs, can provide a perfect environment for bacterial growth. We all know smoking and chewing tobacco can cause bad breath as well as oral cancer.

Throat infections and even prolonged speaking can dry mouth, causing bad breath. There are also systemic or non-oral causes. For example, drastic changing in diet, or fasting can cause bad breath. Other causes include hormonal changes, such as menstrual cycle, menopause or pregnancy.

Bad breath will be noticed with a cold, flu, or sinus infection with postnasal drip. We all also know the effect of certain high volatile foods on our breath such as garlic, onions,, alcoholic drinks and coffee.

Systemic diseases linked to bad breath include diabetes, oral cancer, renal or hepatic failure, and cirrhosis of the liver.

Sleeping can cause morning breath. Keeping a bottle of water by your bedside and thoroughly brushing and flossing before going to bed can help prevent dehydration and the awful bad taste and breath on waking.

Many people think they can hide bad breath with mouthwash. Most commercial mouthwash contain nothing more than alcohol and artificial flavors and colors. Studies report mouthwash may mask the malodor for about two hours. The alcohol may actually dry the mouth and eventually cause more bad breath and even tissue damage.

If bad breath is due to gum disease, it can be a sign of a serious illness, since we now know that with gum disease there is a higher risk for heart disease and stroke.

Bad Breath
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Bad Breath - The Kiss of Death

Go through Taking Care Of Your Pet's Teeth a lot more

Cat Bad Breath

Oral care for cats and dogs is as important as it is for humans, however it is the most overlooked health care problem among pets. Sixty percent of pet owners do not provide dental care for their pets. Dogs and cats can get plaque build-up and gingivitis just like humans. Although dogs and cats don't get cavities their teeth can rot. Rotten teeth can cause your pet pain when eating and they may even fall out. Poor dental hygiene can lead to other health problems. The best way to avoid health issues is to give your pet regular dental care.

1. The American Veterinary Society reports that by age three up to eighty percent of our pets show signs of dental disease. If your pet has plaque build up it can lead to gingivitis, rotten teeth and bad breath. A lot of these issues are caused by feeding your pet a bad diet. Contrary to popular belief processed commercial kibble can actually stick to your pet's teeth and cause plaque build up, like when we eat crackers. A better choice is to serve your pet an all-natural home-cooked diet. A home cooked diet will ensure your pet is getting the proper nutrients to build a strong immune system. A strong immune system helps fight disease, including dental disease. Let your pet crunch on natural snacks like raw carrots and apples to help remove dirt and food particles from their teeth. Feeding all natural foods will also help them maintain a healthy weight. Dogs and cats don't need dental care in the wild because they don't eat kibble.

2. Plaque build up comes from food that is stuck on your pet's teeth. Once these particles harden they calcify and turn to gingivitis. The process repeats itself over and over until the gums are compromised. Besides an all-natural diet brushing your pet's teeth daily will help remove excess grime collected through out the day. You can find toothbrushes and toothpaste your local pet store or online. You can also use a wet terry washcloth and wipe the teeth clean. Don't ever use toothpaste made for humans. It can make your pet sick.

3. Let your pet chew. Chewing comes naturally to most animals. Raw natural bones help strengthen the jaw and removes particles from your pet's teeth. Chew toys such as kongs and fleece tug toys are a good way for your pet to clean their teeth and burns off excess energy as well. My Golden has a few bones and instinctively after each meal she lies on the floor and chews on a bone, almost like she is brushing her own teeth. Animals in the wild get regular chances to chew.

4. Plaque and gingivitis do not just affect your pet's mouth. Once gingivitis gets under the gums it can get into the bloodstream and affect other parts of the body such as the heart, liver & kidneys. Pets don't normally get cavities but their teeth can become rotten and fall out. Rotten teeth can cause your pet pain. Have your veterinarian check your pet's teeth during their yearly exams. You may want to have your older pet checked out by your vet twice a year. That way you can catch dental problems before they get out of hand.

5. Some veterinarians recommend yearly cleanings. This requires putting your pet under sedation. While a younger pet might be able to handle these cleanings you may want your older pet to have anesthesia free dental care. Many vet offices now offer anesthesia free teeth cleaning. Ask your vet if it is available at their office.

To keep your pet healthy be sure you include dental care in their overall health care regiment. Feeding your pet a good all-natural diet, brushing their teeth, giving them plenty of chances to chew will help combat dental issues. Help them live a long healthy life by taking care of their teeth along with the rest of them.

Taking Care Of Your Pet's Teeth

Go through Cat Treat Recipes much more

Want to cook something special for your feline friend ? Try these cat treat recipes. They are easy to make and require little time. Your cat will love them !


1 1/2 Cup Rolled Oats

1/4 Cup Vegetable Oil

1/2 Cup Flour

1/2 Cup Tuna Oil, Chicken broth, or Beef Bouillon

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Mix all ingredients into a dough. Dust hands with flour and form small,
1/2 inch thick, round biscuits. Set on greased cookie sheet. Bake 30 minutes or until biscuits are slightly browned.
Cool 30 minutes before serving.

Your cat will adopt it as one of his favourite cat treat !


1 - 6 Ounce can of boneless, skinless salmon

1/4 Cup Bread crumbs

1/2 Cup Finely chopped celery

1 Egg, beaten

1 Unflavoured gelatine

1/2 Cup Water

Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.

Combine all ingredients and mix well. Pack into a small fish-shaped mold (or other small mold) and bake 45 minutes.
Serve at room temperature.

One of the most Purr...fect cat treat you can make !


1 Teaspoon Oats

1/2 Banana, mashed

2 Teaspoon plain yogourt

1/2 Cup Orange juice

1/4 Apple, Chopped

2 ounces Berries, in season

Mix oats and bananas, blending well. Add yogourt, orange juice and apple immediately to prevent browning.
Mash berries and add to mixture. Serve in small portions (1 tablespoon per cat). Too much fruit can cause diarrhea
in a cat's digestive system if he is not used to it.

Serve small portions from this treat occasionally !


1/2 Cup canned mackerel, drained

1 Cup whole-grain bread crumbs

1 Teaspoon vegetable oil

1 egg, beaten

1/2 Teaspoon brewer's yeast, optional

Preheat oven to 350°F.

In a medium-size bowl, mash the mackerel with a fork into tiny pieces. Combine it with the remaining ingredients and mix well.
Dop mixture by 1/4 teaspoonful onto a greased cookie sheet. Bake for 8 minutes. Cool to room temperature and store in an
airtight container in the refrigerator.

Kitty will love the munchies !


12 Ounces boiling water

1 Envelope Knox unflavored gelatin

Dissolve the gelatin in the boiling water, and add:1 - 12 ounce can evaporated canned milk

2 Tablespoons mayonnaise

2 Tablespoons plain yogurt

1 Tablespoon light corn syrup

1 Egg yolk

Mix well in mixer. Place in covered bowl and store in refrigerator. Warm a small amount for feedings. This will keep for
about 7 days.

It adds between 15-20 grams on kittens a day. One of the best recipes to make for your kitten !

Cat Bad Breath

Marc Deschamps is the editor of Kitten Cat Magazine, a free online publication, where people can share their passion for cats and learn more about this extraordinary animal. Other articles on cat nutrition can be found at [].

The above article is free to distribute by any media as long as links are maintained.

Cat Treat Recipes